Story Time Tales
A Collection of Inspirational Stories

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Table of Contents

Listing of Stories
in the Order They Were Added

  1. The Effect of Angry Words
  2. Invitation to a CELEBRATION
  3. Reasons to be Thankful
  4. For A Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime
  5. Butterflies
  6. Bulletin Bloopers
  7. The Greatest Logistical Problem in the World
  8. Exchanging Crosses
  9. What's Legal, and What's Not
  10. A Thanksgiving Thought

  11. Jonah and the Whale
  12. The Bricks of Life
  13. Three Visitors
  14. An Unrealistic Story
  15. The Sandpiper
  16. The Center of the Bible
  17. You Arx A Kxy Pxrson
  18. The Power of Your Actions
  19. 73 in a 55
  20. The Empty Chair

  21. The Lamb at School
  22. The Present
  23. God Loves You!
  24. Windshield Wipers
  25. Eagles in a Storm
  26. The Frog Poem
  27. SHMILY
  28. The Mule and the Well
  29. The Name Game
  30. Computing Contest

  31. At the Heavenly Gate
  32. The Night Before Jesus Came
  33. When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
  34. God is like ...
  35. Rose
  36. Let Our Requests Be Known
  37. Jesus and the Mud Puddle
  38. White Roses
  39. Footprints in the Sand 2
  40. P. U. S. H.

  41. What If?
  42. My Trouble Tree
  43. Satan's Convention
  44. A Controversial Prayer
  45. Defining
  46. It's Only a Quarter!
  47. Go Back In Time
  48. A Soldier's Story
  49. The Quilt
  50. The Duck & the Devil

  51. Twenty-Six Guards
  52. Changing History?
  53. To Meet Such a Man
  54. Daily Rules from God
  55. Wet Pants
  56. Being a Servant
  57. The Little Red Hen in America
  58. The Blood
  59. Faded Gingham Dress
  60. Noah, Revisited

  61. Awake Tip
  62. Choose Your Mood
  63. God Knows Our Every Need
  64. Baptist and Catholic
  65. A Wise Farmer's Advice
  66. Love More, Judge Less
  67. Heaven and Hell
  68. What Happens in Heaven
  69. Why I Love Pennies
  70. NASA and The Bible

  71. My Biggest Surprise
  72. Bruised Apples
  73. Lessons from Life
  74. Kids in Church
  75. The Scars of Life
  76. Secret to a Long Life
  77. Christmas Adventure with Grandma
  78. Instant Christianity
  79. The Invisible Letter
  80. Billy Graham - Guilty of Speeding

  81. Seed
  82. Red Marbles
  83. Mustard Seed Faith

All stories teach us something,
and promise us something,
whether they're true or invented,
legend or fact.
Stewart O'Nan

All stories appearing on Story Time Tales are believed to be in the public domain unless attributed otherwise.

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